Defender ATP web content filtering, HEVC codec security issues, critical F5 vulnerability, Newly announced Teams features, WTF is Docker Compose, Logic Apps, Windows Admin Center frustrations, PowerShell fixes, and more.

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Boot-Up (Random topics)

○ Web content filtering with Microsoft Defender ATP now in public preview

○ What the HEVC?

○ CVE-2020-1425 | Microsoft Windows Codecs Library Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

○ CLARIFICATION: HEVC is not related to the iOS file format HEIC.

○ What The F5? No seriously if you have an F5 device you need to stop reading this and patch

○ US considering banning TikTok



○ Teams Announcements - Together Mode!

○ Examining network issues with Teams at the client side - MS Docs - Pulling Logs

○ Complaints about notifications, pop-out, etc.

Dock it and Pull It

• Docker Compose

• Examples: Plex, QBitTorrent, FileBrowser, Minecraft, httpd

• Why do we care? IaC / Azure / etc

• Docker and Kubernetes comparisons

What the P-P-P-PowerApp?

• PowerShell vs Power Automate vs Logic Apps


That's WAC

• Gripe about Windows Admin Center for a bit

• "Never RDP into a server again"

• Firefox support is iffy

• FOLLOW-UP : Shared Connections seems to work in Firefox as of WAC 1910.2.

• Slow load times

• Can't connect to servers in batches

• Credential management is annoying: "To perform a single sign-in using your Windows account, you might need to set up Kerberos constrained delegation."

• Tabbed UI when?

• Local groups management not possible?

• Scheduled tasks (no import options?) etc

• CORRECTION: WAC updates more then semi-annually

Steve Does PowerShell

• What to do if you can't update modules

• Unable to resolve package source ''

• TLS 1.0 could be the culprit. You can run this per-user command to fix it:

• [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

• Source

That Is Accurate

• Email existed before the world wide web

Ask the Stiffs: Question of the Week

• If you could bring one technology back what would it be?

Outro - "Plus Delta"

• We help you, you help us: Rate us on iTunes