MFA (again), PowerShell folding@home support, using a Zune 80 without a working screen, Minecraft on Raspberry Pi, probing your network with TCPDump, Teams (again??), and firewalling with iptables.

Extended show notes available at

Boot-Up (Intro…random topics) 00:17

• Combined MFA and Password Reset Registration Now Available:

• PowerShell Folding:

• Dumb Windows bug of the week: If you have too many notifications, you'll stop getting notifications

• State of the Zunion: Steve reviews two Zune AV docks

• Zune 80 Menu Tree if you have a broken screen and need to use it blind:

○ Music

○ Videos

○ Pictures

○ Social

○ Radio

○ Podcasts

○ Settings

§ Wireless

□ Wireless: on

□ sync now

□ Information

□ presence: basic

§ Display

□ backlight: 15 seconds

□  brightness: medium

□ tv out: off

□ Background

§ Music

§ Pictures

§ Sounds: on

§ Touch: off

§ Radio

§ Language

§ about

• O365 Groups to M365 Groups:

Pinecraft 24:07

• Docker Minecraft Server

• Correction: The best Raspberry Pi 4B has 4GB RAM, not 2GB.

• Porting in worlds and swapping them out

• The guide Steve used to set it up:

• docker start minecraft

• docker stop minecraft

Taking a Huge TCPDump 31:43

• Bandwidth issues with CSGO/meetings, but CSGO is the bigger issue

• Ran TCPDump on the router to find the largest packets and try to figure out what is going on

• <code>tcpdump -n -i eth1 -t greater 1000 -c 200 | cut -f 1,2,3,4 -d '.' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 20</code>

• QoS in DD-WRT to play traffic cop

Team up with Teams 35:38

• Breakout Rooms

• Private Channels create new Site Collections

• Raise hands in Teams meetings

• Closed Captioning

• Live Translation

• SLAs for changes

○ Policies taking up to 48 hours

I Pee Tables 45:20

• Identifying/Blocking IPs with iptables on DD-WRT

• DD-WRT iptables: temporary vs permanent based on NVRAM

• Check if an IP is blacklisted:

• Found a GitHub for automatic blocking, compatible with iptables:

• for ip in $(curl --compressed 2>/dev/null | grep -v "#" | grep -v -E "\s[1-2]$" | cut -f 1); do iptables -I INPUT -s $ip -j -n DROP; done

Ask the Stiffs: Question of the Week 51:16

• What is something new you want to learn?

Outro - "Plus Delta" 53:02

• We help you, you help us: Rate us on iTunes

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