All about Outlook PSTs, PowerShell functions, Bing encroaching on other browsers, Windows Clipboard, GitHub, and things Microsoft will kill soon. Other things too.

Extended show notes available at

Steve wrote a function to get item counts in PSTs 2:25

• Started with an unsatisfying script found online

• New script can drill into an indefinite amount of subfolders

• The solution is recursion

• Reminds Tiff of MFCMAPI

Uploading PSTs to Office 365 9:45



• Data Governance -> Import

• More Azure technologies being used to support O365 administration

• You can upload a PST to Azure Blob Storage and then import it into someone's mailbox

• Tiff discusses the new eDiscovery tool

Microsoft is forcing a Bing Extension onto Chrome users 15:30


• "The change takes place beginning with Version 2002 of Office 365 Pro Plus, and it will affect both new installations and existing installations as they're automatically updated."


• We still <3 Bing Rewards though

The New Windows Clipboard 19:43

• From 1809 onward

• Completely reinvents the way you handle moving of data

• Open Settings

• Click on System

• Click on Clipboard

• Turn on Clipboard history

• Enables a new shortcut: Windows + V

• Remembers multiple copied items and lets you select them on demand

• Has a few bugs in certain applications (Excel), and won't really pass through RDP.

Git It (What are some cool utilities on GitHub?) 23:30

• Tiff's picks:


§ Highlight: PowerRename

• Steve's picks:

○ Caprine

○ Spleeter

○ PowerShell

○ Dolphin

○ StevenBlack Hosts

○ Google Play Music Desktop Player

What is Microsoft going to Thelma and Louise? 32:33

• O365 EOS roadmap


• Search-Mailbox cmdlet is going away, update your scripts!

• SharePoint Classic is being sunset? Microsoft has been historically unclear on its end-of-life timeline

• Office 2013 to O365 support is ending, as is Office for Mac 2016

• Basic authentication

Variety Hour 39:05

• A brief tangent about POP and IMAP

• A brief tangent about Doctor Who and House MD

• Another somewhat major vulnerability is discovered (this time with IE), no patch till February (CVE-2020-0674)

○ "Consider using Microsoft Edge or an alternate browser until patches are made available."

• Microsoft Edge, Chromium, WebKit, and the IE-ification of Google Chrome

Steve does PowerShell 46:57

• Custom objects

Ask the Stiffs? Question of the week! 50:15

• What is your favorite Windows Shortcut?

• A tangent about George Costanza and a wallet full of receipts


Outro - "Plus Delta” 54:57

• We help you, you help us: Rate us on iTunes