As believers in Christ, we know He is our solid rock and firm foundation. He is our cornerstone when we completely trust and are committed to Him. Are we standing on a firm foundation that will endure the test of time?

In Matthew 7:25 (NIV), Jesus speaks of building our life on a solid rock by saying, "The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock."  He goes on to contrast the wise vs. the foolish man.

Join us Tuesday, April 18, at 3:30 PM (PDT), as we glean wisdom on how to journey with Christ as our solid rock. Call in to speak with the host (646) 668-2946.

Hope4Today is an outreach program of Yield to the King Ministry. You can reach us anytime at our website