Definition of Ministry

Christian ministry is following the lead of the Holy Spirit for the benefit of others. It is the continuation of Jesus’ project of bringing heaven to earth--and we are all called to it. 

Distortions of helping others for their good: 

Helping others to feel good about myselfHelping others to gain their respect/attention/praiseHelping others to make sure they know I’m better than themHelping others so that they feel like they owe me something

4 Distortions of Ministry by the False Apostles in Corinth

Distorted Ministry Depends on an Attractive and Wealthy Lifestyle (2 Cor. 12:13,15)Distorted Ministry Depends on Crafty Persuasion (10:10)Distorted Ministry Depends on Authoritarian-Style Leadership (11:12)Distorted Ministry is Measured by Human Standards (10:12)

4 Marks of Legitimate Ministry Demonstrated By Paul

Legitimate Ministry is Aligned to God’s Will (10:13)Legitimate Ministry is Empowered by God (10:4)Legitimate Ministry is Approved by God (10:18)Legitimate Ministry is Marked by the Attitude of Christ (10:1, Mt. 11:29, Luke 6:20-26)

“By the humility and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you” (10:1)

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Questions for Reflection

What kind of people do we look up to and learn from? 

Attractive, wealthy, powerful people? People who show off?People who use tricks, manipulation, or force to persuade us?

What are some more humble sources from which we could learn? 

Those who have suffered much? The marginalized, colonized, underprivileged, persecuted?

What does my ministry to others currently look like? 

Aligned to God’s will, or according to my own agenda?Empowered by God, or striving with my own strength?Approved by God, or comparing to others? Humble and gentle, or arrogant and forceful?