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Next Episode: Baby Sean at 8 weeks

Today is January 17, 2009, and it is the beginning of one of the biggest moments in U.S. History, The Inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States.  It is around 20 degrees in the MD/DC area, and President-Elect Barack Obama is making a stop on his Whistle Stop Tour in Baltimore, MD.  I debated an
d debated on whether I should go, and at the last minute I decided to trek it in the cold.  I could not let this moment in history pass me by.  So, I headed to Baltimore.  My mom and the kids hung out at the Renaissance Hotel in the warmth while I ventured out in the freezing cold.  The line was about 15 blocks long to War Memorial Plaza at Baltimore City Hall.  But, it moved relatively fast, and the cold wasn't bad at all.  
I arrived at the Plaza after going through metal detectors around 2:45 pm.  It wasn't full yet, so I was able to find a good spot.  I grabbed a cup of hot chocolate and posted on a l
edge so I could get a good view of the next President of the United States.  I couldn't believe I would actually get to see President Obama with my own eyes.  Morgan State Choir song and kept the crowd energized.  President Obama was introduced by Congressman Elijah Cummings, Gov. Martin O'Malley and a Whistle Stop Tour train rider, Quincy Lucas.  President Obama spoke for about 15 minutes, and it was wonderful watching the crowd's expression and excitement as he spoke.  The change he symbolizes goes beyond words.  And, I am so happy that I decided to brave the cold to take a part in history.  I WAS THERE!!!!