Steve and Dennis of are in the Larimer side of Pittsburgh to visit Cary, Darren and Mike the owners of Couch Brewery. They talk about the origins of the brewery, cultivating a vibe and bucking the standard fabricated, sterile brewery motif; being inviting to all people, as well as brewing for fun and camaraderie. Also, they remember old pornos and play a game of Mashed in which the brewers have to craft a beer based on a scenario and ingredient requirements. And I know you're thinking, "Hey Independence Day was a movie. I thought we doing game puns?" Well it also was a game for the PS1. You flew as fighter jets or the alien ship. It was like Ace Combat, but not.


Couch Brewery Siesta Ale

Couch Brewery Baja 1000 Brut IPA

Couch Brewery Raspberry Duvet Stout