Previous Episode: Deadwood 3x03 "True Colors"

Episode Twenty-eight. Our hearts fuckin' leap with (Love)joy as Ian McShane superfan Russell joins us to discuss this episode, which features not only one, but *two!* blowjobologues. The return of Hostetler and Fields prompts more "white people are the true victims" logic, courtesy of the foulmouthed racist Steve... Alma wears a purple quilt and makes eyes at Leon (:shudder:)... As Jack secures a building for the theater company, Rita Sue endeavors to make him jealous... Harry and Tom pose for a shirtless firefighters calendar, if Mel's Photoshopped images are to be believed. ... Also, Haso warns of eventual conflagration, which threatens Deadwood's citizens and property. | Send feedback to [email protected]. Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded April 17, 2016. Released April 23, 2016. [Warning: Explicit Language.]