Happy Christmas from HoopleCast! And what did Santa bring you? Why, shit weasels and toodle pips for days and days, by Jove! Join Matt and Claire as they laugh and cringe their way through Stephen King's oxycodone nightmare Dreamcatcher, the first in our unnecessary series of commentary podcasts in which we celebrate the cinematic milestones of Mister Timothy Olyphant. | Tags: Stay Sexy Don't Die, Damien Lewis Has a Tiny Mouth, David!, Spring Cha-Ching, Evan Peters Face, Ooby Ooby Oo Ere Are Ou Ee've Ot Ome Ork O O Ow, Double Fuck-a-Ro, Jason Lee Doesn't Understand the Concept of Quarantines, Twelve Toothpicks, Morgan Freeman's Eyebrows, Bucko Blue Boy Leader, Colonel Maple Syrup, Aliens Came to Earth to Ride Snowmobiles, Yes, Claire, You Still Have Asthma In Your Memory Warehouse Because That's How Memory Warehouses Work--Science Fact!, Blimey! My Finger! It's Magic!, Don't You Dare Hurt Ty Olsson, Matt Misses All the Screenwipes, Dumbest Aliens Ever, Giant Tooth Vagina, Thomas Jane is a Mama's Boy, Unintentional Comedy | Send feedback to [email protected]. Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at hooplecast.com. | Recorded November 26, 2016. Released December 25, 2016. [Warning: Explicit Language.]