
Lisa Fitzpatrick is a contributing author to the best-selling books Manifesting in High Heels – secret rituals to achieve success and The Nurtured Woman’s Book Series. Lisa's book Healing the Heart of Your Business – sustainable success for heart-centred women was recommended as one the top ten inspiring books for December 2015 in the Aspire magazine.

As the founder of Sacred Women's Business Coaching, Lisa supports coaches, leaders, yoga teachers, spiritual teachers, writers, women with a big vision and women in service-based businesses to engage their business mojo - that sweet spot where soul purpose, creative expression and abundance meet. Lisa also loves helping women to heal overwhelm and burn-out so that they can become the leading ladies of their lives and businesses and so that they can enjoy holistic and life-sustaining success.

Lisa's coaching and training business, Sacred Women's Business Coaching was a finalist in two categories of the 2015 Ausmumpreneur Awards for Service Business and Emerging Business and won a bronze in the Service Business category. Sacred Women's Business makes a fierce stand for high achieving, conscious women to tap into their feminine wisdom and find their leading edge. Using a combination of soul purpose coaching and pragmatic biz smarts, women are supported to dream big and reach for their full potential. Sacred Women’s Business has been privileged to coach dozens of extraordinary women to grow their online and offline presence and shine in business.


Lisa believes that spiritually aware women who are prepared to do the inner and outer work of realising their life purpose will heal the world and support a feminine shift towards greater balance and equality for all beings. The more awakened women who take empowered leadership positions in the world and through their businesses, the greater the potential for healing our troubled world. Sacred Women’s Business Coaching was 

proud to be an official AusMumPreneur expert in 2016.


Lisa is a certified coach, best-selling author, yoga teacher, workshop facilitator, keynote speaker, registered Physiotherapist and mother. She lives in a subtropical paradise near Byron Bay with her two sons.  


My contact details and PR are as follows:

phone: 61422993141

email: [email protected]

FB page:


free gift: Part One of 'Healing the Heart of Your Business - sustainable success for heart-centred women' available at website or


other social media: 

twitter @LisaFitzSWB

instagram @sacredwomensbusiness




Email ~ [email protected]           

Contact Shannon Ledford