Beta Lucca is the Co-Founder & Non-Exec Director of Bossa Studios, a BAFTA-winning video game developer. She’s a multi-creative entrepreneur: YouTuber, keynote speaker, startup investor and frequent media-appearer. But back in 2010, after leaving a successful career in her native Rio de Janeiro, she landed in the UK to… culture shock and depression. How did she turn it around? Listen in and find out! Discover how “everything is overcomeable” as Beta explains how your challenges create your future self. Learn how to keep going regardless of what your emotions tell you. Understand the dark side of being driven. And why - and when - to say “f**k it” and do your thing, regardless of what people might think.


▷ Honey I Blew Up The Podcast! We are no longer recording new episodes of this podcast

▷ Host Dan Kirby has sold his shares in The Tech Dept (the business he blew up & turned around) to launch Founders Are Mental - teaching tech founders how to become Zen-like without being a monk...

▷ Show sponsors The Tech Dept are still going strong - helping founders build tech from MVP to Scale

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