Paul Archer is a Guinness World Record holding adventurer, best selling author and serial tech entrepreneur. Taking his swash buckling approach to life into his business career things looked great, until they didn’t as things came crashing down… at the launch party. So how did he dust himself off and continue building his next startup adventure? Listen in and find out. Discover how to take advantage of your uniqueness, selectively listen to self-doubt, understand the hidden risks of innovation, be clear eyed about life getting in bed with big partners…and the power of refocus in moments of crisis.


▷ Honey I Blew Up The Podcast! We are no longer recording new episodes of this podcast

▷ Host Dan Kirby has sold his shares in The Tech Dept (the business he blew up & turned around) to launch Founders Are Mental - teaching tech founders how to become Zen-like without being a monk...

▷ Show sponsors The Tech Dept are still going strong - helping founders build tech from MVP to Scale

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