As part of a larger project I'm working on in regards to critical race theory, intersectionality, and the church I'm reading through books that are either speaking on the subject or reacting to the subject.   

One of these books is "Social Justice Goes To Church" by Jon Harris.  In the book, Harris recounts the history of the progressive evangelical movement of the early and mid-seventies.  As well as the parts that those within the movement still play in today's social justice movement.  

I read this book as a way to get a better understand of where the social justice movement has come from and what part it plays today.  Though the book doesn't deal specifically with critical race theory it does show a repeating history within the evangelical church of how Christians react to certain social situations at even given time.  

The above video is an overview of the book as well as my brief thoughts on the book and how it works as a worldview. 

Links To Videos In This Project: 

White Fragility:​ 

How To Fight Racism: 

Fault Lines: