
The Power of Honest Medicine, My New Book on LDN

February 15, 2023 00:17

My new book, The Power of Honest Medicine, will be available in paperback and eBook soon. The book introduces readers to Low Dose Naltrexone—or LDN—an effective, inexpensive alternative to the costly, toxic treatments doctors routinely prescribe for autoimmune and other diseases.

A Tribute to My Late Husband, Tim Fisher, on What Would Have Been His 70th Birthday

March 13, 2019 16:54

Today, March 13, 2019, is a bittersweet day for me. If my husband Tim Fisher were alive, he would have turned 70 years old today. This would have meant a lot to him, since the males in his family didn’t...

Just Published! The Power of Honest Medicine, My New Book on LDN

December 05, 2018 04:05

My new book, The Power of Honest Medicine, will be available in paperback and eBook soon. The book introduces readers to Low Dose Naltrexone—or LDN—an effective, inexpensive alternative to the costly, toxic treatments doctors routinely prescribe for autoimmune and other diseases.

Many Diseases Benefit from LDN

November 15, 2018 03:09

PAPERBACK AND EBOOK NOW AVAILABLE! The Power of Honest Medicine is now available in paperback and Kindle eBook editions from Amazon.com

My Husband Outlived His Brain Tumor Prognosis by 12 Years: How His Experience Could Help John McCain and Others

September 22, 2017 16:15

In September of 1990, my then-40-year-old husband Tim was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor the size of an orange. His doctors “gave him” 18 months to 3 years to live. Tim and I were struck by paralyzing fear. We...


November 16, 2013 18:23

My book, HONEST MEDICINE, was listed as "temporarily out of stock" on Amazon.com for several weeks. Although this is no longer the case, I want people to know that it has always been readily AVAILABLE on BarnesAndNoble.com. I am therefore...

LIST of Conditions Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Has Been Found to Help

August 16, 2012 16:30

Many thanks to LINDA ELSEGOOD of the LDN Research Trust for this list of conditions LDN has been known to benefit. To learn more about Linda's UK organization, please go HERE.

A "Must-See" Video of Dr. Bernard Bihari, LDN Pioneer and Champion

May 16, 2011 05:10

As many of you know, Dr. Bernard Bihari was the genius who discovered that a very low dose of naltrexone, a drug that had been approved at a higher dose by the FDA for another purpose entirely, could help people...

Transcript of Dr. Bihari Video

May 16, 2011 04:43

00:00 to 02.26—Dr. Bihari gives his background and credentials. Dr. Bihari: My medical training started at Harvard Medical School. I graduated in 1957. Then I trained in Internal Medicine at one of the Harvard teaching hospitals in Boston, Beth Israel,...

HONEST MEDICINE Is Now Available for the KINDLE!

April 26, 2011 00:48

By popular demand, my book, HONEST MEDICINE: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases, is now available for the KINDLE. It took a long time—and about 100 hours of work by my dear friend Mark—but it is finally ready. And...

Julia Schopick Interviewed by Dr. Ronald Hoffman about HONEST MEDICINE: The HOFFMAN EFFECT

February 11, 2011 03:42

On February 8th, I was interviewed by the wonderful integrative physician and author, Ronald Hoffman, MD, on his New York radio show, “Health Talk.” Frankly, I knew that Dr. Hoffman would do a great interview: I had read his books...