Previous Episode: Homo Sapien Bob Start Here
Next Episode: Mother Earth

Homo Sapien Bob vs The World has to start somewhere why not with the Launching Pad episode. This episode consists of two sections, The Introduction and AAN, with two A,s. to get this whale of a journey off to a great start.
 The Introduction, we glimpse the craziness between our two main characters Rex and Iggy, who run World Mastermind Headquarters. This is where Mother Earth goes to get her message out to all the entities (including Homo Sapiens) that call Earth home. A special guest star makes her appearance to help Rex and Iggy introduce this Colossus of an adventure, Matilda, the Singing Cow. As one critic says, she hits the notes in between the notes. She literally knocks it out of the park with her first song MOO BOB and then sings a duet later with The Devon Singers. As Rex and Iggy are explaining the concept of Homo Sapien Bob, they set off into many directions from horsepower to donkeys, carrots to sticks, Aunt Martha, rockets, automobiles, judges, piñatas, layman, siamese twins, Wanda Matilda's agent, twist and running man dances at the same time, vegan's and more and then we finally get to THEM. Who is them you might be asking well, tune in and listen to find out who them is!
The next section is AAN with two A's. In this crazy section, we learn about the Laws of the Universe and how Scientists from around the world have been trying to figure out these mind-bending laws, yet all the entities (except Homo Sapiens) live these laws. The Scientists want a championship name for these laws representing all the entities (including Homo Sapiens) that call earth home. Really!
We find out the Scientists (Homo Sapiens) maybe over thought the name a little tooooooo much, and maybe they missed the mark on their version of the name choice. Iggy is on fire in this episode with his common-common sense brain cells. Rex is the median between the Scientists and the naming of these Laws of the Universe. We soon discover the new name for the laws of the universe is AAN with two A's. A new rock band called the Maldopobo's release a new song at the end of the episode called ANN with two N's, and this all makes perfect sense when you take the journey of Homo Sapien Bob. Before I go, I just got through this whole first episode, The Launching Pad, without mentioning Bob once, so to all the Bobs out there, I do apologize, yes, Bob is coming. Sit back and enjoy the ride of this The Launching Pad Cheers!