On this Second Sunday of Lent David and Jonathan discuss how the Transfiguration sets the stage, not only for the rest of Lent, but also for the Christian life.
Readings in English (http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/030820.cfm)
Lecturas en Español (https://www.parroquiasangines.es/lecturas?year=2020&month=03&day=08)
Social Media/Redes Sociales
Homily Prep on Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/HomilyPrep)
David on Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/dlugo_sj)
Jonathan on Twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/jharmonsj)
David's Homilies on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8jvpPGNv9O50QyRWV7ntIg)

On this Second Sunday of Lent David and Jonathan discuss how the Transfiguration sets the stage, not only for the rest of Lent, but also for the Christian life.


Readings in English

Lecturas en Español

Social Media/Redes Sociales

Homily Prep on Twitter

David on Twitter

Jonathan on Twitter

David's Homilies on Youtube

Twitter Mentions