The readings for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time focus on how we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. As Christians we should preach the gospel using everything at our disposal, but making sure to give God the glory. One of the dangers we may face, though, is false humilty. How many times have you played down your strengths for fear of coming off as arrogant? Well, ironically, by doing that we aren't giving God any glory because he gave us our strengths (and our weaknesses) to shine brightly before men and to give glory to our heavenly Father.
Readings in English (
Lecturas en Español (
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David's Homilies on Youtube (

The readings for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time focus on how we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. As Christians we should preach the gospel using everything at our disposal, but making sure to give God the glory. One of the dangers we may face, though, is false humilty. How many times have you played down your strengths for fear of coming off as arrogant? Well, ironically, by doing that we aren't giving God any glory because he gave us our strengths (and our weaknesses) to shine brightly before men and to give glory to our heavenly Father.


Readings in English

Lecturas en Español

Social Media/Redes Sociales

Homily Prep on Twitter

David on Twitter

Jonathan on Twitter

David's Homilies on Youtube

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