Previous Episode: Alcatraz

This week we're all over the place!  We talk about buying a new car, caterpillars, those darned spiders invading our house and...birthdays!  Birthday weeks, birthday months(?!?), 21st birthdays, forgetting birthdays, wishing someone a 'Happy Birthday' etiquette, Long Island Ice Teas, Applebee's and strippers, how Monique's Dad would give a birthday "present",  Alex forgetting Monique's birthday(!!!), Alex's first time "meeting the parents", and the time "Dana White" was our bartender!  All this and more on this week's Homewrecker Podcast!


This Week’s Links:


This Week’s Intro Music…The Ramones - I Don't Wanna Grow Up:


This Week’s Outro Music…Marilyn Monroe - Happy Birthday, Mr. President:


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