Today my guest on the Hometown to Hollywood podcast is casting director Sara Isaacson.

Sara is best known for casting Law and Order: True Crime, Bates Motel, Fringe, The Arrangement, Famous in Love, The Mentalist, Motive, Almost Human, and State of Affairs. She is a member of the Casting Society of America.

We discussed a wide range of subjects over the course of our conversation, including how to get on a casting director’s radar, what she wishes actors would and would NOT do in auditions, how casting actually works, tips for parents of young actors, and some excellent philosophical advice that applies to pretty much everyone, not just actors!

Some of my favorite quotes from our conversation:

“At the end of the day, I think we’re just looking for the best actor to play every role.”
“Casting is very time-consuming, and it also moves very quickly.”
“I’m probably not going to watch unsolicited self-tapes.”
“I just want an actor to be prepared, and be awesome.”
“I want you to be confident, understand the tone of the show, and if you’re unclear, you ASK.”
“I can 100% guarantee that if a casting directors says to an actor, ‘Do you have any questions?’ we mean it!”
“Don’t apologize, don’t feel like you’re not meant to be there… come in with confidence.”
“Don’t tell me you just got the sides last night; everyone else did also.”
“I’m looking for an actor that’s prepared, and feels like they belong there.”
“Your behavior in the audition room and the lobby is how you will be on set.”
“Trust that I will find you and meet you when and if I’m working on a project that you’re right for.”
“Create your own content. And if I’m meant to meet you, I promise you I will.”
“Be a nice, good person. Who also happens to be an actor.”


Follow Sara HERE:

Twitter: @saraisaacson

Instagram: @saraisaacsoncasting


Sara’s twenty years as a casting director in Hollywood has earned her a wealth of experience and understanding of this industry. As I enter my tenth year here, I am still learning every day! If you are trying to make it as an actor, or trying to help your kid make it, give yourself the advantage of experience and insight by booking a consultation with me, either online or in person in Los Angeles. I look forward to helping you increase your odds of success!

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