Today my guest on Hometown to Hollywood is Master Voiceover Actor and Coach Tish Hicks.

One of LA’s most successful voiceover artists for over 20 years, Tish is as smart, down-to-earth, and nurturing as her signature voice, which you probably have heard as the voice of countless campaigns, including Subaru (for the last seven years) and Citibank (for seven years before that), in animated series like "Ever After High" and "Stinky and Dirty".

Tish is also an acclaimed teacher, and the founder of The V.O. Dojo, a training, networking, and resource center connecting voiceover actors of all levels.

We talk about MANY things voiceover, including why Tish calls it an actor’s “secret weapon,” the major types of voiceover work available for actors, getting VO work without an agent, the kind of agent do you need for the bigger jobs, union status, what actors should do who want to expand into VO work, what should be on a beginner’s VO demo, and MUCH more!

 Some of my favorite quotes from this episode:

“Hey kids! Like theatre? Like eating? Try voiceover!”
“The internal training is as important as the external training.”
“Leave your inner critic outside the booth.”
“Know that you can do it, even if you never tried.”
“Nobody climbs a mountain by themselves.”
“Every time you hear a voiceover, somebody gets paid.”
“If you want to be a pro, then train like a pro, with the pros.”
“We are essential, and we are expendable; there’s no room for mediocrity.”
“There’s lots of people making six figures right where they are.”
“You don’t expect to walk into a 6-week ballet class, then audition for ABT.”

How to Find Tish:

Personal website:

VO Dojo:           




The five things Tish believes are critical for a successful voiceover career—decision, mindset, technique, application, and support—are equally critical for an acting career, whether you are a child, teen or adult.

If your kid or teen has their heart set on acting, and you want to help them have their best chance at that dream, I can help you raise the odds of their success. Investing in a single consultation with me can save you years of time, thousands of dollars, and give you peace of mind. Whether your pursue a career in Hollywood, or right where you are, in your hometown.

If you’re ready for some help getting started, or are already down the road but looking to get un-stuck, schedule a phone, Skype, or in-person consultation with me today. We’ll cover the issues where you know you need help, as well as some issues you may not even be aware of!

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