My guest on this episode of the Hometown to Hollywood podcast is Cindy Osbrink, CEO of The Osbrink Agency which she founded in 1993.

Today Osbrink is one of the most esteemed Youth Talent Agencies in Hollywood, and the company is a full-service agency with Theatrical, Commercial, Print and Voice Over departments for adults and youths alike. Cindy has represented many of the most acclaimed young actors in Hollywood including Brie Larson, Dakota & Elle Fanning, Tyler James Williams, Raven Symoné and Jake Lloyd.

Cindy is also respected among her peers, twice winning The Talent Manager Association’s Youth Theatrical Agent of the Year award.

Cindy Osbrink’s experience and expertise are priceless, and she rarely does interviews. Join us for her thoughts on how she can spot star quality, advice for parents of young actors, how to communicate with your agent, parents as managers, college for actors, how to prepare for success before you ever come to LA and when to come out, and much more.


Some of my favorite quotes from our conversation:


“I can tell when they walk in the room… there is that confidence, that light. It’s not a performance. It’s who they ARE.”
“If you can be true to yourself, then you can be the most amazing actor out there. You’re not always ‘acting’ and having a mask on.”
“Each one of us has different gifts. And our job is to find those gifts.”
“It’s easier to get Taft-Hartleyed into the union on a commercial vs. a TV show.”
“Turn that nervous energy into excitement.”
“If you manage your child, we’re not the agency for you.”
“Seeing our clients shine… doing what they love and doing it well… there’s nothing better.”
“It’s your job as a parent to provide that path for them… but they have to do the work.”
“If you’re 22 and can play younger, I’d definitely find an agency that has youth/adult, so you have the best of both worlds.”
“It’s a marriage between the agent, the manager, and the parent.”
“For Pilot Season… they don’t start casting kids 'til March. Usually they cast the parents first.”
“Community theatre is awesome.”
“Take baby steps. People make this so complicated, and it’s not. Make it fun.”



Follow Cindy Osbrink here:




So much of what Cindy shared confirms my own experience, and yet runs counter to conventional wisdom. The entertainment industry can be confusing to navigate! If you could use some help cutting through the confusion, book a consultation with me, either online or in Los Angeles. A single session can save you months or years of frustration, and thousands of dollars spent going in the wrong direction.