In today's Hometown History episode, we explore the true essence of May Day, an emblem of workers' rights and social justice, born from the strife of the late 19th-century Industrial Revolution. Workers faced daunting challenges: grueling hours, meager pay, and hazardous conditions. This episode dives into the labor movement's rise, galvanized by dire need for change, and the crucial Haymarket Affair of 1886, which became a watershed moment for labor rights.

Following the Haymarket Affair's fallout—marked by tragedy, trials, and global solidarity—May Day emerged as a powerful symbol of unity and the struggle for equitable labor practices. This episode highlights how May Day transcends mere celebration, embodying the resilience and collective strength of workers worldwide. Join us on Hometown History as we uncover the enduring legacy of May Day, a reminder of the labor movement's impact and the continuous journey towards a just society.

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