Dark room photography took a sinister twist for a young college student when a scary demon tried to grope her in the pale, red light in the middle of the night as she worked. It was finals week, so she had no choice but to continue to edit her projects for hours on end as this strange thing—scary ghost or demon, we don’t know—kept tormenting her. When she finally collapsed into bed, hours later, it followed her home and tried to pin her down. Incubus demon perhaps?This is not some made-up tale, but part of a plethora of true, scary ghost stories told by the very photographer who experienced them. Hear how this brave woman purchased a haunted condo in Florida, drove through a ghost, and experienced several other paranormal events years after her encounter with the scary demon in the darkroom. Plus, she gives us a little bit of an astral projection guide because she knows how to do that, too.We listened to her true ghost stories, our mouths agape, as she relayed one experience after another. And you can listen too. Today, on Homespun Haints.For show notes and additional links, check out this episode's page at homespunhaints.com/episode13Support the show (https://patreon.com/homespunhaints)