This week on Homeschool IRL, Fletch and Kendra answer a question submitted from a listener, "How Can I Make My Homeschool Fun?"

The post Special Replay: How Do I Make Homeschooling Fun? appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

On today’s episode of Homeschooling In Real Life,  Martha called in to ask, “How Do I Make My Homeschool Fun?” We loved this question, so both Fletch and Kendra take a stab at answering. As you have come to expect, their answers line up perfectly with the “have to” parent and the “get to” parent.  Tune in to make your homeschool fun!


For the next few months, we will be running a “Best of” series of the Homeschooling IRL episodes. Many of these episodes were earlier episodes that you might have missed. Enjoy!

Thank You to our Network Sponsor – CTC Math!

The post Special Replay: How Do I Make Homeschooling Fun? appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.