Homeschooling. Health food. Small church. Mom stays home. KJV only. Dresses. Youth group. Public school. No TV. Our convictions, or the things we strongly about, can drive so much of our lives and end up being the choices by which we define ourselves. They can bring like-minded believers together and set the tone for our families […]

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Homeschooling. Health food. Small church. Mom stays home. KJV only. Dresses. Youth group. Public school. No TV. Our convictions, or the things we strongly about, can drive so much of our lives and end up being the choices by which we define ourselves. They can bring like-minded believers together and set the tone for our families and homes.

But what happens when your convictions are different than mine? As soon as you discover that we don’t have the same non-negotiables in our home as you do in yours, is it a deal-killer?

What does it look like to love other Christians in our community who hold to different standards but agree that Jesus is everything? Can we love each other well, for the sake of the gospel?


2:10 Fluff Time (Tough week, “Me Time,” Failed Marriages, Exploratorium)

11:02 Part 1 – Convictions (What do we mean and what does the Bible say, Good Examples)

21:22 Part 2 –  Convictions (Bad Examples, Scriptural response)

29:33 HIRLers Treasure Chest

34:00 Wrapping up the show, What’s Coming


Recommended Resources:

Slack – The ultimate in team organization

Tricia Goyer – Author

September Yarns – Yarns

Small Sparrow T-Shirts – Cool T-Shirts

Betty The Surf Dog Twitter Feed – Home of Betty the Surf Dog

Fletch Twitter

Kendra Twitter

Previous Episodes Mentioned:

Music clips used on this episode:

My Life- Billy Joel – Buy it on iTunes Here

Hello, Goodbye – The Beatles – Buy it on iTunes Here


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Thanks to our sponsor, A Fanthom Presents Film – The Ark and The Darkness – Movie Trailer here: NoahsFlood


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The post Replay: When My Convictions Aren’t Your Convictions – HIRL Episode 94 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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