Moms of teen boys, this episode was made for you! What happens to those boys when they become teenagers and why are they so hard for moms to manage? Fletch and Kendra have raised three teen boys so far and they have lived to tell the tale . . . Fletch pokes a few sticks at […]

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Moms of teen boys, this episode was made for you! What happens to those boys when they become teenagers and why are they so hard for moms to manage? Fletch and Kendra have raised three teen boys so far and they have lived to tell the tale . . .

Fletch pokes a few sticks at dads on this episode who have turned all the schooling over to their wives. Kendra also has some definite opinions on the subject of moms, homeschooling, and teen boys. She thinks the teen years can be extra great for moms, particularly if a mom can learn to do a few things to grow that relationship in a positive direction. What are they? You’ll have to tune in to find out!


2:35 Fluff Time

11:53 Part 1 – What happens to boys when they become teenagers

21:24 Part 2 – How should mom respond to these teen boy/men

32:30 Wrapping up the show, iTunes Reviews, Letters from Listeners


Recommended Resources:

Raising Real Men – Hal and Melanie Young

Previous Episodes Mentioned:

Music clips used on this episode:

Song for My Sons- Sara Groves – Buy it on iTunes Here


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The post Moms and Teen Boys – HIRL Episode 92 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.