Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! We love to surprise our listeners with fun stuff! We are super excited to announce that Homeschooling In Real Life has become a WEEKLY podcast. That’s right! Each and every week we plan on releasing a brand new show for you. But here’s the deal: great content and interviews take a lot of time and we are […]

The post How Do I Make Homeschooling Fun? – HIRL Episode 36 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

We love to surprise our listeners with fun stuff! We are super excited to announce that Homeschooling In Real Life has become a WEEKLY podcast. That’s right! Each and every week we plan on releasing a brand new show for you.

But here’s the deal: great content and interviews take a lot of time and we are a busy homeschooling family just like you. So, on the off weeks, we will be putting together a shorter show that requires less production (and less coffee for Fletch).

We are calling these shows Homeschooling In Real Life – To Go!  You can expect the format to be a little more casual. We will be taking these out of the studio, recording on the road, on the run, around the table, anywhere we find a discussion. These episodes may be as simple as answering a question, grabbing someone for a quick interview or maybe an expansion of our thoughts from a previous week. And we are doing it ALL FOR YOU! Thanks for being the best audience in the world of homeschool podcasting!

On today’s inaugural episode of Homeschooling In Real Life – To Go we are answering a question from one of our listeners. Martha called in to ask, “How Do I Make My Homeschool More Fun?” We loved this question, so both Fletch and Kendra take a stab at answering. As you have come to expect, their answers line up perfectly with the “have to” parent and the “get to” parent.

Join Fletch (from theMangoTimes) and Kendra (from Preschoolers and Peace and for the HomeschoolingIRL podcast every week as they interview guests and talk through some of the goofiness they have experienced in nearly two decades of Homeschooling In Real Life.

The post How Do I Make Homeschooling Fun? – HIRL Episode 36 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.