Tune into this light and serious, fun and deep discussion about grace and raising kids with author Jessica Thompson. You won’t want to miss this episode! Great advice and practical suggestions are offered on this episode when we discuss: What do we do when a child seems unrepentant, or when we feel all of our […]

The post Give Them Grace – HIRL Episode 12 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

Tune into this light and serious, fun and deep discussion about grace and raising kids with author Jessica Thompson. You won’t want to miss this episode!
Great advice and practical suggestions are offered on this episode when we discuss: What do we do when a child seems unrepentant, or when we feel all of our buttons are being pushed, all at once?
In a hilarious round of “Q&A with K&A” Fletch talks about how he would survive prison and Kendra discusses life in Downton Abbey. Tune in as we try to stump each other with a hard-to-answer, often personal question. Silly good fun.


Exploring Grace Together Giveaway on HomeschoolingIRL
Other places where you can find Jessica:

Twitter: @givethemgrace

Twitter: @thejesslou

Give Them Grace Website

Dropping Keys

Join Fletch (from theMangoTimes) and Kendra (from Preschoolers and Peace) podcast every two weeks as they interview guests and talk through some of the goofiness they have experienced in nearly two decades of Homeschooling In Real Life.


The post Give Them Grace – HIRL Episode 12 appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.