A special replay!  We all have those people in our lives who prove to be a challenge to love: a grumpy toddler, a brooding teen, an irritable spouse, a controlling parent. How do we love them in spite of their unloveliness? What does the gospel tell us about our own unloveliness, and God’s love for […]

The post Best of HIRL: Loving the Unlovable appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

A special replay!  We all have those people in our lives who prove to be a challenge to love: a grumpy toddler, a brooding teen, an irritable spouse, a controlling parent. How do we love them in spite of their unloveliness? What does the gospel tell us about our own unloveliness, and God’s love for us? Tun in to this episode of Homeschooling in Real Life for a touching and deeply meaningful conversation about loving the unlovable.


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Betty the Surf Dog – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website

Rasta The Chocolate Lab – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website

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Music clips used on this episode:

Unlovable by The Smiths – Buy It Here on ITunes


Are you ready to listen to Fletch and Kendra get real about homeschooling? Press the PLAY button below.

The post Best of HIRL: Loving the Unlovable appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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