Noelle is a certified classroom teacher, voted Teacher of the Year, turned homeschooling mama to three little kids with one on the way. She is passionate about homeschooling and loves supporting and encouraging homeschool parents with tips, tricks and mindset shifts to make your homeschool run smoothly!


She created the Homeschool Management Webinar & in this episode you'll learn:


Why you don’t need a teaching degree to homeschool

What the 3 things needed to homeschool are

How she is using her teaching degree to equip & empower other moms

How the this webinar can help new homeschoolers, seasoned homeschoolers & even parents with kids in traditional school


This Homeschool Management Webinar teaches you:

Preventative actions

Behavior management 

Assessing, problem solve

Creating a culture in your home


Fin the Homeschool Management Webinar here:


Teacher Noelle on YouTube:


Follow her on IG: @teacher_noelle_homeschool





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