You're in Planning mode WAAYYYYY to long. But NOT starting anything, you get discouraged with things that you think may go wrong in the future, so you change the plan again

Plan for the next Year, work backwards.

Pick 1 thing today that you can do

One step at a time

You Start & Quit too early. Hit a few speed bumps or roadblocks & that discourages you. You expected to be further along. You're in comparison mode

Have support. Team members, entrepreneur friends, don't be a solo-preneur, join a networking group

Use those speed bumps/ roadblocks as learning opportunities

Are you working on YOU?

You Start & get comfortable in Cruise Control. your biz is going good, but not GROWING

Is it time to leverage & build a team?

Build your leadership through masterminds

Evaluate your business & focus on one part that can grow






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