If you're not doing a Homeschool Review, then you're missing out on an essential activity that'll save you from unwanted stress and overwhelm!


Prep work:

Know requirements (Subjects, Days, Reports, etc) based on your State's Homeschool Laws & have a Print out

Have a List of your Current Homeschool Curriculum, Books, Activities per Child


5 minutes:

Using Your List of Current Homeschool Curriculum, Books, Activities per Child

What will you continue for the rest of the year?

Eliminate what's not working

Simplify what you want to keep but need to tweak


5 minutes

Are you in Compliance?

Covering all the subjects?

Have enough School Days?

Ready for your Reports?


5 Minutes

Make of List of What needs to be done & Prioritize

High Priority to Low Priority

Schedule in your Planner







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Learn about Me! -> https://msha.ke/kawaiahquin