The shock of our new reality is wearing off and we’re settling into a marathon pace, which means we’re beginning to find routines that work. But in classic Maren and Angela fashion, our routines are unique to each of us and our personalities! In our “State of the Family” update, we discuss how we’re using screen time for our kids to support our own self-care efforts. In our “The Nitty Gritty” update, we dive into the ACTUAL curriculum and resources we’re using for homeschool. Well, at least what’s working this week. Taking it day-by-day, friends!


Highlights from this episode

-Anyone else struggling to keep up with all the online/distance learning schedules and usernames and passwords? Give yourself credit! There are so many details to keep track of!

-Is it time to shake it up or settle in? Some of our kids need a change, while some of our kids have had enough change for a while. 


-Are you seeing the upside of online learning for any of your kids? Some kids are thriving with the chance to work independently and with accountability to their teachers (not us parents).


-We all know how important consistent and planned self-care is, but in this time, it's also good to practice "in-the-moment self care"--asking ourselves "What do I need right now?"



Glennon Doyle’s Family Meeting on Instagram

The Daily Show

Beast Academy

Brave Writer class

CNN 10


Logic of English


Wrap ups

Mark Rober science videos

Mystery Doug

Endless Alphabet apps

PE Class: The Body Coach


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Loving This Week

Angela: Some Good News with John Krasinski

Maren: High Fidelity


Before You Go...

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