Homeless Mentally Ill artwork

Homeless Mentally Ill

27 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 4 years ago -

A comprehensive site dedicated to the causes, management and solutions to the issues concerning the homeless mentally ill.

Health & Fitness homeless mentally ill welfare social services medication psychiatry drugs addiction
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Checking The Math: A Finite Difference Mathematical Model of the Coronav...

April 07, 2020 02:30

A comprehensive site concerning the causes,management and solution to the homeless mentally ill.

Returning after being away for a very long time. Thank you for your kind comments.

December 29, 2019 01:06

Greeetings. There have been some very kind comments on this particular blog which appears to have touched the lives of a number of people. I hope it has helped some. If it has helped at least one person then it is all worth while. All it takes is one. I started working on this subject in 2007 just after returning from New Zealand. Even on Queen Street in downtown Auckland I did not see the devastation of humanity struck by mental illness, and having no access to health services, as I did i...

Excellent Video from Calgary Police

November 20, 2012 21:49

This is a remarkable video: Video by Calgary Police Services The loss of family in a very materialistic society results in devastation. It appears the wealthier the city, the greater the problem of homelessness. Perhaps, because a city is so wealthy, the homeless become so apparent.

Returning after a long hiatus

October 06, 2012 01:56

It has been some time, years, since I last posted. I had planned to make a comprehensive study of the problem of the homeless mentally ill in one of the world's wealthiest cities. I believe I have accomplished that and from some of the comments that have come my way, I believe the task was very worthwhile. Many have written that this blog has helped them in times of trouble. Lord knows, we have all been through times of trouble and if anything I have done has helped, then it was worthwhile. ...


January 10, 2009 05:12

According to mathematical calculations, our model of society establishes that the reason we have such horrific social problems, like homelessness and a growing army of mentally ill without access to medical care, comes from basic corruption in society. Let me explain. It's an engineering problem. Take a bridge. What keeps a bridge up? How come it doesn't fall? Simple. It is the structural integrity of the bridge and integrity of the materials making up the bridge that keep it from falling. I...

blah, blah, blah ...

September 22, 2008 22:17

Hi. I am getting interesting emails from different people all over the place. Here is a project for homeless people in New Hampshire. It is run by a professional psychologist named Cindy and it is call the Under the Bridge Project. They have very little to work with but at least it's something. India has at least something. We have a drop-in centre and some beds that are overcrowded. We have no one that I know of who is working with the mentally ill. Here, as in almost all other places, there...

It's Been a While

September 07, 2008 19:36

It's been a while people. I have been busy beyond description. We ended up evicted because my wife and I are looking after our disabled brother. He's not mentally ill, he has Downs Syndrome. Such is the society in which we live. Life goes on. I received an email from India. Sarbani works with the homeless mentally ill in Kolkata. It looks like it's his job. That's more than we have going here. We have people working with the homeless, but no one specifically working with the mentally ill on ...

A Zero-Sum Game

March 31, 2008 15:26

We are caught in a zero-sum game. Wars get started this way. To explain: there is a mathematical approach to human relationships. One of theseis the two-person zero-sum game. In this particular game, game there is a loser for every winner and for every winner there is a loser. The Chicago Futures Exchange, which handles most of the world’s economy, is protected by the principles of a zero-sum game. It is the prime example of a zero-sum game. If you investigate these principles, you wo...


January 22, 2008 03:37

Compassion is an interesting thing. You would think it would apply to those in need pretty well across the board. But it has boundaries and limitations. For example, my brother John arrived Christmas Eve. He was pretty well a basket case. He is a mentally retarded 61-year-old man in a wheelchair with a broken leg. He is completely dependent, on a list of medications a mile long, was "escaping" from a nursing home where he has been pretty well locked up for five years, both ears were badly i...

What’s Calgary Really Like?

December 31, 2007 04:59

This is my old stompin’ grounds. I hitch hiked out here back in 1968 and began work as a gravel truck driver delivering to the foot of the Husky Tower as it was being built. I’ve been all over this town. My parents got married here and so did I. It looks like my son will be married here too. I’ve met all kinds of people in Cow Town. I came back here last year and was bustling around trying to make ends meet, as is my lot. I was working in the north east and living in the west end by the rive...

Planting the Seed

December 03, 2007 02:49

It’s cold. You are slowly but surly freezing to death. There is just you and a small cedar tree by the river in the snow. You have not slept in so long you cannot remember. The voices are starting to go away. They are much quieter now. You are starting to get tired, so very tired. Memories of your wife and children have faded. It is amazingly calm as darkness mercifully descends. Across the river, in a modern, clean and warm office the mayor takes another sip from his favorite coff...

Say hello to Austin

November 10, 2007 02:39

Hey, you might want to check out http://www.austinmardon.org/. It’s Austin’s website. Austin Mardon just won the Order of Canada about a week and a half ago. He won it for his work with the homeless mentally ill. His list of achievements are very long and I encourage you to give his site a boo. Also, click on this "make Austin an MBE" and submit your vote. We talked for about half an hour today over the phone. I’ll relate a bit about his point of view and can hopefully expand in the f...

Trying to get through to the Mayor

November 03, 2007 00:19

It has been a while since I posted here. I’ve moved to High River south of Calgary and had to get into the joys of starting a new job. It’s been a hectic past three weeks. So today I figured that since there seems to be so much ink in the Herald on the plight of the mentally ill in Calgary, coupled with parallel article on homelessness, I should call in on the mayor and ask what he thinks of the whole thing. It’s easy to get to the mayor’s office. The number is right on the net. Your requ...

Interesting Times

September 03, 2007 02:48

The Feds have just announced a $55 million per year (five-year) commission/centre into mental health and it’s to be based in Calgary. Excellent. So far it looks like it’s going to end up as a building or group of offices. Let’s get the links here: There’s http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=PG_910_E&cw_topic=910&cw_rel=AR_1730_E which says homelessness is a huge contributing factor to mental illness. Then there’s the Senate report which everyone is waving around, the link to...

Interview with Dr. Nordli

August 14, 2007 01:22 Video

This post is a bit of a mish-mash of different things… Dr. Nordli and I have been friends ever since I came back from New Zealand. She’s a wonderful doctor who takes a real interest in getting her patients better. She’s outspoken as sin, but a heck of a doctor. She’s worked for six years in the Ponoka institution which is a world class hospital for brain damage and has a long history in treating people with mental illness. Dr. Nordli will be missed there by staff and patients. If you hap...

River Ride

July 30, 2007 03:13 Video

It's a bit long but I think it's worth it.

Old men on bicycles

July 28, 2007 05:33

I haven’t written in yonks! There was this flurry of activity and then things got so hectic that it was impossible to put pen to paper. It’s old men on bicycles. If you want to get in tune with the homeless in Calgary, you got to get on a bike. Somebody had a brilliant idea. He/she, somebody, got the idea that we could get old bikes, fix them up and let the homeless have a free bike to get around town. What a great idea. And you can see them all over town, in the morning, afternoon and at n...

A New Header

July 22, 2007 07:41 Video

My son tells me I’ve just discovered the internet. Let’s see, I first started working on computers in 1968 on the first IBM 360 ever built. We didn’t have none of these fancy terminal thingies. No way, we used punch cards. And when we wrote stuff, we wrote it on a typewriter. It was before your time. As a matter of fact, I had a portable Underwood I hauled back and forth hitch hiking across Canada on good old number one. I even packed it across the Yellowhead and up to Williams Lake. ...

On curing mental illness

July 20, 2007 01:31 Video

How to cure Mental Illness

July 17, 2007 03:56

This article is gong to be a little difficult to write. Nevertheless, I think I should give a little feedback. I’ve been getting comments on other sites, like Facebook, and I’ve pasted a couple here to see if it would stimulate conversation. Time will tell. To let you know, I’m being read in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, the UK and in Chile. Chile? Yeah, I guess that page translator comes in handy. This subscription thing is all so new to me; I don’t really know how it works until I t...

Interview with Kirsten

July 15, 2007 03:22 Video

Kirsten is a remarkable woman. She’s trying to finish off her master’s degree in dance and working three jobs to make ends meet. And making a living as a contemporary dancer in this society is no mean feat. Her project is to relate in some way to the homeless as a contemporary dancer and choreographer. In order to get better contact with this she worked as a volunteer in the kitchen for the fall and winter last year at the Riverfront Drop-in Center for the homeless. She’s a young sin...

Interview with Alderman Madeline King

July 12, 2007 05:55

Madeline is one busy lady. We’re in the middle of Stampede and the PM is in town. Nevertheless, because of the issue of homelessness and the mentally ill, she set aside a half hour to see me in her office. It was a very hot afternoon. Sitting together at her conference desk, she explained the issue of homelessness and the mentally ill from someone at the top. Madeline is the alderman for the downtown ward and her ward contains, by far, the most number of homeless people. She also voted...

More on this site

July 11, 2007 06:05

Well, things have been going well as I try and figure out how this stuff works. I managed to get a feed installed, after much conundrum, from a discussion group I started with Google. It only took a couple of days to figure out. Then I managed to get a subscription button happening which I hope will give you updates of the latest posts. I haven't tried it out yet. It seems so far there are about 30 hits per day which I guess isn't bad for just starting out. I haven't hit the spiders for web ...

Nadia writes in

July 10, 2007 01:03

Bruce, sorry it took me a while to get back to you about your new blog. I've just finished reading through all your posts.I have to say my first reaction was excitement that someone decided to blog about this topic. When I was in Calgary my bus went past this huge building with people crammed onto the cement outside and then i saw the 'homeless shelter' sign. Up until then I hadn't realized how many people must have moved to Calgary for work. The only other thing I've come into contact ...

How big is this problem?

July 08, 2007 22:57

I spent an afternoon down at the central library. Libraries are those places with lots of books and are the repositories of information for a society. They’re great places to dig up reasonably reliable facts about pretty well everything. They have Google pretty well beat to hell on reliability and you can always jump on a terminal and Google what you want anyway. I walked up to the information counter on the third floor, by the government publications and said that I was doing a project on...

About this site

July 08, 2007 03:34

Hi. I've just finished writing an interview with the police officer in charge of the downtown area. It's called Interview with the Man. It basically verifies the obvious. I've written some other... A comprehensive site concerning the causes,management and solution to the homeless mentally ill.