Ever been mansplained to? Amanda and Becki get it - they bet you're over it. Join them as they dissect the age-old mansplaining, with alternative points of view and a delicious craft beer. They'll pitch ideas on how we can deal with it and move away from this gendered term. Did you know that it's not only men that do it?...

Featured podcasts:

Prosecco Theory: Season 1, Episode 2: “Condescend Means Talk Down To”

www.proseccotheory.com || Instagram @proseccotheory || Twitter @proseccotheory || Apple Podcasts || Spotify

The Grape Culture: Season 2, Episode 8: “Pain in the Mansplain” 

www.grapeculturepodcast.co.uk || Instagram @grapeculturepodcast || Twitter @GrapeCulturePod || Apple Podcasts || Spotify

Featured brewer: 

Brewer: Angela Boyle                                         

Williams Brothers Brewery 

www.williamsbrosbrew.com || Instagram @williamsbrosbrewingco || Twitter @Williamsbrewery

Beers: Good Times/Joker IPA  

Thank a Feminist

Senator Kamala Harris 

www.harris.senate.gov || Instagram @kamalaharris || Twitter @KamalaHarris

Kamala Harris takes on weasels: 

Youtube: Sessions to Harris: ‘Rushed’ questioning ‘makes me nervous’ 
Youtube: William Barr stumped by Kamala Harris' question
Youtube: Exchange between Sen. Harris and Judge Kavanaugh on Mueller Investigation (C-SPAN) 

Reach out to us:

Homebrewed Feminism 

Website: homebrewedfeminism.com

Email: [email protected]

Instagram @hmbrwdfeminism || Twitter @hmbrwdfeminism 

Amanda: Instagram @amanduhsmarcs

Becki: Instagram @beckiblur 


George Lawie - Transcription


Historic UK: The Highland Clearances


Safer Resource: What do we mean by male entitlement and male privilege?

Washington Post: White House women want to be in the room where it happens

Time Magazine: How Not to Be 'Manterrupted' in Meetings

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