I was really excited to get to interview author Emma Donoghue this week, author of the international bestseller and multiple award winning book, ROOM. She also worked with Director Lenny Abrahamsson (Frank, What Richard Did) to write the screenplay and tell such a gripping, moving story in just 90 minutes. The film, which also has… Read more about Bestseller Emma Donoghue, ROOM the Movie and Hillary’s Back

I was really excited to get to interview author Emma Donoghue this week, author of the international bestseller and multiple award winning book, ROOM. She also worked with Director Lenny Abrahamsson (Frank, What Richard Did) to write the screenplay and tell such a gripping, moving story in just 90 minutes. The film, which also has won several awards, is receiving lots of Oscar buzz. Variety Magazine suggests that it’s even a strong contender for the Best Film award from the Academy, and after seeing it, I’d wager there will be a pair of acting nominations from it as well.

So I was surprised and honored when I got fifteen minutes with Emma to take a deeper dive into her creative genius. After all, this is the show that (yes, in this same episode) opens with Amy letting fly with some gastric pyrotechnics that almost sent the mixing needles into permanent shock. Yeah, we’re all sophisticated like that.

We also revisit the House speaker drama briefly, now that Paul Ryan has gotten over leaning on his better judgment not to run, before breaking down why Hillary Clinton is, once again, the heir apparent to the White House.

In the Echo Chamber, we spend some time talking about the sic-fi movies that have most helped reveal the mystery of God, and then Amy is overruled by both Slim and me on our favorite music. But she redeems herself with a fear we can all share in and enjoy.

Man, if we keep getting bestsellers and Oscar contenders as guests on the show, we might have to get serious and start putting on pants or something. And wouldn’t that suck…