Summoned to the courts of the Beatha Gleann, Huck's Punks do what they do best - play by their own rules. This episode was originally streamed live on Youtube on April 12th, 2022.

Follow and get in touch across all the usual social spots @⁠⁠homebrewquest⁠⁠. You can also join our discord ⁠here⁠⁠.

Here's some other shows we've been involved in recently:

Paul co-hosts ⁠Hear Us Out⁠⁠ on Thursdays at 8pm

Ben plays AJ in Romancing the Dungeon⁠⁠, new episodes every second Friday. You can also watch Ben & Declan On A Roll, ⁠live⁠⁠ every second Thursday or catch up over on ⁠YouTube⁠⁠.

Cheers and thanks for listening 🍻⚔️