If you've ever had anyone pass away that is close to you, and it was left up to you to go through their things to clean, sell and handle all the details... you know this can be daunting.  The gentle act of Swedish Death Cleaning is simply a lighter way to live even if you have forty years left ahead!  It's a lovely way to frame cleaning and organizing... so you don't leave your loved ones with an intimidating mountain of chaos to deal with.  Join guest Mark Green, host of Cars Yeah podcast, to hear about his experience with his fathers' passing and even treasure hunting.




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Sources & Reference———————————————-

The book The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning
Enjoy the Cars Yeah podcast using all the major podcast apps on any mobile device and the Cars Yeah website: https://carsyeah.com
Better Homes and Gardens article on Swedish Death Cleaning

Legal Disclosure: Kristina Browning is a licensed Realtor in the State of Oregon with 503 Properties. “Home Functionality Coach” and "Create a Home that Thrives" are registered Trademarks of Kristina Browning.

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