This is a parallel story about Jessica Dudley and her health and home journeys.  It’s a fascinating and educational story filled with ups and downs, wallpaper and mold, hope, and satisfaction.  Her health journey started when she was 18 years old but as a remodeler of historic homes, this is also a story about creating a home for healing. See the supporting VIDEO on YouTube.



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Sources & Reference———————————————-

Jessica Dudley’s Instagram Accounts: ThankfulBungalow  and EDSinspired 
Jessica Dudley’s Blog  Thankful Bungalow 
Psychology Today: Self Compassion and Meditation can yield better mental health
8 places you might find mold from

Legal Disclosure: Kristina Browning is a licensed Realtor in the State of Oregon with 503 Properties. "Create a Home that Thrives" is a registered Trademark of Kristina Browning.

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