When we think about overwhelm or anxiety coming specifically from your home, part of it could be the daily grind of upkeep. As simple as it sounds, we all know, indeed it is not simple but what if there was a tool that could help us handle it better so we can step back and worry less? 

If you didn’t start listening at Episode 1, I invite you to start from the beginning.  There are too many jewels to miss.



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~ Schedule time with me HERE or visit me through my Home Coaching & Real Estate Website www.SpaceAndReason.com 



Sources & Reference———————————————-

Learn more about The Skylight Calendar 
Anthony commenting about FOOD on TikTok
Episode 26: Creating Great Outdoor Spaces 
New York Times: Why Women do the Household Worrying and how to get men to do more of it
The Book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance 
Episode 5: The Space that doesn't get Used 
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Legal Disclosure: Kristina Browning is a licensed Realtor in the State of Oregon with 503 Properties. “Home Functionality Coach” and "Create a Home that Thrives" are registered Trademarks of Kristina Browning.