How do Home Renovation shows impact our idea of the "perfect" space? This episode is a collaboration with Dr. Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology at Valencia College in Florida. Let's think about what we are watching and how it influences us.  A link to "MOST POPULAR: The Podcast" hosted by Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, Ph.D.


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Sources & Reference———————————————-

Biography of Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, Ph.D. 
The Washington Post: HGTV makes homes boring and sad. 
Architectural Digest: How HGVT became an Industry Juggernaut 
Business of Home: How 25 years of HGVT have transformed the Home Industry 

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Legal Disclosure: Kristina Browning is a licensed Realtor in the State of Oregon with 503 Properties. “Home Functionality Coach” and "Create a Home that Thrives" are registered Trademarks of Kristina Browning.