Let’s reflect on our home and set some intentions.  This could be month-end at any point in the year, year-end or even transitioning to a new season.  Maybe you lost your job, and have found a new one and you want to reset and start anew.  This episode would be good for any of those scenarios and can be revisited as time goes on. Grab a piece of paper or your journal and a pencil.  Enjoy the journey. 


~ Get my weekly newsletter  "Little Bits of Home Functionality." Intentionally short, you’ll get a video and a thought that poses questions about your space and your reason.

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~ Schedule time with me https://calendly.com/spaceandreason or visit me through my Home Coaching & Real Estate Website www.SpaceAndReason.com 


Sources & Reference———————————————-

@earthlyeducation on Instagram
@jamesclear on Instagram
Tool for Finding and Clarifying your Values
Ep. 26 | Creating fulfilling Outdoor Spaces 

Legal Disclosure: Kristina Browning is a licensed Realtor in the State of Oregon with 503 Properties. “Home Functionality Coach” and "Create a Home that Thrives" are registered Trademarks of Kristina Browning.