Why temperaments? Understanding temperaments helps you better understand how God has wired you up. You can also better understand your child.  When it comes time to choose a curriculum you can save money and unnecessary frustration. Some curriculum choices might be great for you in how the teaching process is managd but end up being […]

Why temperaments? Understanding temperaments helps you better understand how God has wired you up. You can also better understand your child.  When it comes time to choose a curriculum you can save money and unnecessary frustration. Some curriculum choices might be great for you in how the teaching process is managd but end up being a flop for your child. Some things will be a great match for one child and just will not work at all for another child in the same family. We believe that a basic understanding of your and your children’s temperaments can save money and frustration when selecting curriculum and teaching methods.  We will reference this episode in many future episodes!

What are the four temperaments we will cover in this podcast episode? 

Choleric (lion): task oriented-extrovert

Sanguine (otter): people oriented-extrovert

Melancholy (beaver): task oriented-introvert

Phlegmatic (golden retriever): people oriented- introvert

A version of this episode is also available on the Daddy Life podcast.

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye

Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself by Florence Littauer

The Treasure Tree: Helping Kids Understand Their Personality by Dr. John Trent and Gary Smalley

Wired That Way: An Easy-to-Use Questionnaire for Helping People Discover Their God-Given Personality Type


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