Housepedia Podcasts #HomeIsWhereHouseIsPlaying 20 I Sbeen Around

From starting off as a dedicated dancer, swinging around the dancefloor at her favourite DJ’s events to dancing behind the decks since 2016, always aiming to make listeners & dancers happy.

With far from being bound to one genre within house music, Sbeen Around explores the various delicatessen of underground sounds, winging it tune by tune each time spinnin’ around.

Live performances are unpredictable where all her housesides might shine, depending on the vibe & crowd joint! Groove is the feel in every set.

Monthly mixes for House Salad Music, in her series MUG Melodies. Monthly residency for We Can Rise, Radioshow & many other fun projects she chooses to take on. Guestmixes for various podcastseries. She is happy to share her passion for housemusic with as many as possible.

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Listen on Apple:…ng/id1523865206
