[This episode is from a short video about Adam's project.  Best to watch on HomeGreenHomes YouTube channel.]

Adam, a long-time construction professional, and his family were experiencing health issues when they found their “property” in Redwood City, California. What they wanted was a place where they felt healthy.  Yet the property was in such disrepair that his first thought was to demolish and rebuild.  Instead he chose to “heal the house and the land that the house was sitting on” in the same way that he wanted to heal the family’s wellbeing.  Thus Adam took on a challenge to change the construction process, which is typically very extractive, disruptive and wasteful, into a regenerative process to have a positive impact not just on the environment but also to the local community and local economy.

The project touched on the Five Roots of Regenerative Real Estate®:  1) Health and Wellness; 2) Sustainability; 3) Community; 4) Ecology and 5) Spirit, which also relates to the concept of “Eco-chaplain.”  (Those who work to establish people in a healthy, compassionate, and mutually supportive relationship with each other and the natural world.  - Sati Center of Buddhist Studies)

As a result, he was able to accomplish his Vision of truly regenerative project and indeed be an eco-chaplain for himself and his family, the property he turned into his family nest, the people who worked on the project and the surrounding community.