“So it is one of the most effective things you can do as a homeowner to make a difference to the world with respect to climate is by going solar.  So please do not delay because our planet can,  well, our planet will be fine, we'll just be dead. We need to make a difference if we want to make this planet a planet where our children and grandchildren are going to be able to enjoy.  So make that decision now to go solar. It's not only a great decision from a cost effective perspective, but your grandchildren and their children are going to thank you for the decision you make today.”  - Carol Cole-Lewis

An independent solar consultant Carol Cole-Lewis and Izumi explored various aspects of solar energy and incentives for homeowners including the transition from Net Energy Metering 2 (NEM2) to a new net energy metering rate plan (NEM3) in California and the importance of battery storage. Carol advises homeowners to choose a reputable installer based on factors such as experience and financial stability. Topics also discussed were the different business models of solar installers and the importance of energy efficiency before going solar. Carol emphasizes the potential benefits of various financing options, including loans, leases, and power purchase agreements. The conversation also touched on tax credits and incentives per Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the importance of taking action to combat global warming. 


Go Solar with Confidence, a book by Carol Cole-Lewis

DSIREUSA.ORG - Check available incentives

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