Jan Green,  HomeSmart Elite Group, has been a realtor since 2002.  Due to the housing market change, Jan switched her focus to energy efficiency in real estate in 2007, earning both EcoBroker & NAR GREEN designations thereafter. 

According to Jan, the interesting paradox about green homes is that you keep hearing more about “green products” but people are interested only when the subject is brought up. Apparantly people do not necessarily think about “green homes” per se.   Another paradox is that while Arizona is number one in building energy efficient homes in the country, the general public may not be so keen. 

The question of whether the green homes would sell for more and faster is really on the realtors ability to market.  Jan has seen cases where the green features are not promoted correctly; therefore, did not benefit in the sales.  , it is really the realtors job to understand those features and more importantly the “benefits” to help the buyers recognize the values of green homes.

Jan consults her clients who are investors and/or homeowners to convert old building into “greener” properties without adding much extra costs.  

Green homes are becoming more of the norm as many states and municipalities adopt new building codes such as in Califonia’s new code as of 202 requiring all newly built home to be net-zero or net-zero ready. It is even more important for realtors to understand those features and more importantly the “benefits” to help the buyers recognize the values.

Although we still have ways to go, it is certainly a great movement to be a part of!

You can reach Jan Green at:  www.gotgreen.com