Norma and Alan Williamson are a husband / wife team who in 2003 renovated their home into an energy efficient solar home.  As it generates more energy than it consumes, it is technically a zero energy building. Alan is a certified Building Performance Institute technician and photovoltaic specialist with 20 years of experience.  Norma is a retired teacher, environmental project leader, and was named 2020 Woman of the Year by Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia from Assembly District 58.  ​For several years, from 2004 – 2008, they opened their solar, net zero, energy efficient home to the public for the annual National Solar Tour, sponsored by American Solar Energy Society. On one Saturday, they received 250 visitors, which led them to an invitation to submit an article on their home to Solar Today magazine, which became a cover story.
Let’s hear from you for the general audience why “Net Zero Energy”?When you bought your home in 2003, were you already planning to do the net-zero conversion and looked for a property with that in mind?We can see all the details on your website about what you did to transform your home  from the ‘60s, but can you please briefly tell us some of the key elements you did in your make-over process?Did you do all the research in deciding the technology to implement, sourcing the materials, vendors and contractors?  And how was that process look like?You have been actively promoting this concept of retrofitting existing old homes to net-zero or near-net-zero.  Tell me about where you have been presenting and how the audience is responding.I've been trying to promote the idea by trying to reach the builders who are flipping old homes, but I find it hard to convince them from the investment stand point from time and money standpoint. Do you have any suggestion?