I’m thrilled to have back to the show Barry and Gayla Gordon. Listen, these two have been around the block for many years. They’ve worked with some of the most well-known teachers in the world and they have been teaching others their deep wisdom for a very long time. Wisdom, in my opinion, that is really lacking in our modern world. We are quick to change directions, our thoughts are fleeting, and few are rooted in thoughts that are free of fear. The collective as a whole is a mess. Most lack joy, discernment, and direction. 

In today's episode, we are going to focus on Joy and the concept of tapping into a joyful heart. How to eliminate what doesn't serve you, cut through the bullsh*t and really get to the heart of the matter: happiness, positivity, and cultivated chi that will never serve you wrong. Are you ready to have more joy in your life? Hell yeah! Let's do this!