John has Nate Corddry on to talk about Boston fans, Yogi Bear, and Morgan Fairchild. Darko Milicic's career change is also touched upon, and Round 3 of the Tournament of Names is here. Make peace with your god.

Darko Milicic is the first-ever inductee into the Home Dunk Hall of Fame.  There is no ceremony or mustard-colored blazer, but there is much discussion of his NBA struggles and his new career as a professional kickboxer.  That’s neither a typo nor a fabrication.  Later, John chats with actor Nate Corddry about why it is that Boston sports fans are the way they are, despite recent championships in all four major sports.  The answer: Blame the olds.  Nate also shares how Morgan Fairchild was responsible for his missing the first Red Sox World Series title since 1918.  Finally, John, Mike Fotis, and Peter Clowney continue the Tournament of Names, where they just completely botch the Titans/Lions match-up.

YOUR FAULT, MORGAN (#114698135 /


Charlemagne’s first NBA coach, Larry Brown
Raymond Carver
Pesky’s Pole
Sad, talking lions
“I don’t think the Falcons are a band.”
Mike Fotis’ understanding of cowboys
Charles Horowitz’s continued domination of American fencing.